Oo what a busy time its been. Firstly with an amazing holiday and then moving the boys to a yard where they can go out in the field all day and where its safe for me to take them out hacking on the byways by myself when we need a bit of escapism! This has made so much difference to Alf and his strength of body, but also more calmness of mind is clear. Calm power is a must for a dressage horse. Mr Del is such a good boy, he just gets on with his job no matter what his field arrangements.

Both boys are going really well at the mo and we had a fantastic two day course with my trainer Ali Cookson at the TTT. With Alf we were working on suppleness behind the saddle leading to a straighter horse and with Del we were working on my (not so adhesive!) seat! Then a fabulous two days with Stephen Clarke. Alf was the best he has ever been and started to show super talent for collection in the canter. Del was brilliant as always and impressed Stephen with his medium trots and canters and his lateral work.