After the nail incident last year, my darling Alfie had a happy and healthy 2016. No competitions for us though as my baby horse had 6 months of castration complications. I spent that time either working to pay the vets bills or visiting QT in hospital and Alfie just got cuddled a lot. But now we are both on our way back to fitness woop woop! Fabulous lessons with Ali Cookson (at the TTT) and Damian Hallam who have now kicked our butts firmly back into canter work and I wake up every morning gagging to go get on my pony and do my homework.
I love this before and after photo of Lauren Holloway on her black beauty. Wow, look at the change in skeletal posture and muscular development particularly in the back behind the saddle.
Seriously good job chick!
Jo Billing and Trafalger are reserve champions at the Merrist Regionals with 71.389% in the Novice Silver Freestyle!
Woopety woop woop of the woopy woops!
Thank god I bought that bottle of cava on the way home! They are off to the BD Winter Nationals!
What a fabulous ride from Sophie Watkins at the Merrist BD Regionals. The very beautiful talented Inca (who has grown from 16.1 to 16.3 in the past year!) was a superstar and took everything in her stride. Sophie rode her best test to date and was rewarded with their personal best % to date under the scrutiny of 3 judges. Very very much looking forward to Elementary now once this beautiful mare has the muscle strength to match her ever growing skeletal frame! So pleased they received the "Best under 25 year old award". The future of tomorrow.
Huge Congratulations to the Priory Team Spa and Rehab centre (Abbie Davies and Marie Edwards) for coming 6th at the Wellington Novice Silver Regionals with the very gorgeous Cynorian Jester. Well done!!!
Alfie looking just gorgeous whilst warming up for the Charles De Kunffy clinic in March. He was completely awesome (Charles and Alfie!) and as always felt his best ever on the Lecture Demo after 2 days of fabulous training with Charles